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提供一个安全和温馨的学习环境对学生的成功至关重要.  提供这种环境的重要一步从我们学校的成年人开始.  威尼斯官网在线(MCPS)对员工进行多重背景调查,以确保他们合格, ethical, responsible, 在被聘用或与学生互动之前,要满足对专业水平的高期望.


  • Application Disclosure - As part of the application process, potential employees must disclose past criminal conduct, including, but not limited to child abuse, sexual offense, and distribution of drugs or other controlled substances.  Specifically, all applicants must comply with House Bill 486, Child Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct Prevention.  This law is intended to assist public and nonpublic 学校和执行Md规定的承包机构. Code, Educ. §6-113.2.  The law requires that a county board, nonpublic 学校或合同代理机构应通过以下方式审查申请人的工作经历 联系现在的雇主,所有以前的学校雇主,以及所有以前的 申请人与未成年人有直接接触的雇主要求 就业日期和对申请人提出的问题的回答.  Additionally, the law requires request of a MSDE出具的关于申请人是否持有有效签证的报告 证书与曾经取得的学科专业相关 child sexual abuse or sexual misconduct.  More  information is available here:
  • In-person Interviews -所有员工都要参加面对面的结构化面试.
  • Fingerprinting -所有新员工在招聘过程中都会采集指纹. 指纹将提交给马里兰州和联邦调查局的犯罪历史数据库进行审查.   在马里兰州,如果员工在被雇用后的任何时间被采集指纹以进行逮捕,MCPS都会收到警报. 马里兰州法律禁止县威尼斯人在线官网故意雇用或保留任何被判犯有, 或对某些罪行认罪或无抗辩.  The list of these crimes can be found here.
  • Child Welfare Services Background Check -所有新员工都要接受儿童保护服务的背景审查,以检查是否有虐待和忽视儿童的指控, 包括那些没有被逮捕或被指控但被调查的人. 
  • Reference Review- MCPS requires all applicants to submit references.  MCPS审查这些参考资料,以确认以前的工作和良好的工作经历.   
  • Mandatory Training - 所有员工都必须接受包括预防在内的关键学生安全问题的培训, recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect; sexual harassment; bullying, harassment and intimidation; suicide prevention; gangs and gang  behaviors
  • Self-Reporting Arrests当前位置马里兰州法律禁止县威尼斯人在线官网故意雇用或保留任何有前科的人, 或对某些罪行认罪或无抗辩. These crimes include, but are not limited to child abuse, sexual offense, and distribution of drugs or other controlled substances. A full list of crimes requiring self-reporting is available here. MCPS要求所有员工在被逮捕或受到刑事指控后的七个工作日内进行自我报告.

For Educators:

In addition, 所有注册教育者的资格证书都是根据国家教师教育和认证主任协会(NASDTEC)信息交换所进行检查的, 全国专业教育工作者学科汇集点. 这种筛选有助于确保教育工作者的资格证书没有被暂停或撤销.

For Substitute Teachers:

代课教师接受同样的审查程序,并需要完成与其他MCPS员工相同的关键学生安全问题培训, including prevention, recognition, and reporting of child abuse and neglect.

For Contractors:

符合马里兰州法律和威尼斯人在线官网政策的新修正案, 在MCPS设施工作的承包商,在那里他们可以直接, unsupervised, 不受控制地接触学生必须经过犯罪背景调查, 包括指纹识别和强制性预防培训, recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect. Learn more about contractor background check procedures here:

For Volunteers

MCPS重视在我们学校工作的志愿者,他们丰富了我们学生的经历. As a community, we are mindful of our shared responsibility to create safe, nurturing environments for our students. As part of this responsibility, 下列类别的义工须完成指纹及背景调查:

  • Volunteer coaches,
  • 户外环境教育项目(Outdoor Education)夜间监护人;
  • Volunteers on overnight field trips, and
  • 需要学校支持和改进办公室批准的延长一日游的志愿者. (e.g., 如果出发时间不在MCPS运行范围内,出发时间和/或返回时间晚于晚上7点.m.)

Learn more about volunteer background checks here:

志愿者还需要完成预防方面的培训, recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. Learn more about this training here: 

Commercial Vehicle Operators and Attendants:

In addition to the screening process for all employees, MCPS巴士运营商在就业前必须遵守联邦要求, random, reasonable suspicion ; and post-accident alcohol and other drug testing. 该测试项目适用于所有持有商业驾照的员工, and who operate commercial vehicles for MCPS, even if they drive such vehicles only infrequently.

Student Teachers/Interns:

MCPS believes that student teachers/interns make a direct, positive contribution to education and, 该系统致力于通过提供优质的教学经验,为未来的教育工作者贡献卓越.  作为实习经历的一部分,实习教师/实习生要接受背景调查.
